It seems like so long ago (I guess that is because it was), but besides moving, we had a fun summer.
Our Backyard BBQ
BBQ's with farewell friends we miss...
Fireworks at the Hudson
Swim lessons at our local pool. We couldn't take pictures inside, so this is the best we got. A friend and I took turns watching the boys.
NY Aquarium and beach
The Little Red Lighthouse
Some Saint festival down the street (see the Saint way up there?)
Playing pool party in our new backyard and eating favorite treat
Our little Garden. It was our last year here, but we had quite a crop of tomatoes! So sad, the homemade salsa is almost gone...
One of our favorite things this summer was riding bikes. Our friends let us store and use their bikes and trailer, and we loved going on outings, like this one across the bridge at Randall's Island.