Sunday, January 29, 2012

At Last...

23 months, 11 classes, 9 textbooks, 2 pregnancies, 45 hours of clinical, 8 power-point presentations, 6 group projects, 15 papers, 25 back-up daycare days, numerous babysitting swaps, two very helpful visits from my MIL, hours on the phone trying to get my transfer credits corrected, and my second purple robe for the kids dress-up box....

All this to go from a Associates to a Bachelors.

This in addition to my AMAZING husband that spent many hours coming home early, trying to keep kids quiet (in 750 square-feet), "working" from home, assisting with power-point/printer problems, and overall being wonderfully supportive...

And 2 great kids that I am happy to see more of.