Fall started, as it usually does, with Jay's birthday. After a meat fest, I wanted to make him a dinosaur or Bob the Builder cake, but he just wanted German Chocolate.
And the rest of Fall is Halloween. There are so many great activities in NYC for kids...
(oh yeah, Robbie had his first ER visit when he walked into a piece of metal and was the recipient of several stitches to the forehead,)
This is one of those activities that the Dad's pretend they are "helping", but end up kicking out the kids because they get in the way.
Carmel apple making at a friends. Can you tell what the kids did after the box of NERDS fell on the floor?
Emmi's school Fall Festival:
Cookie making...
So with a LOT of help from a friend, I made Emmi's Cinderella Dress. Sorry for all of the pictures, it is a phenomenon that will not likely happen again.
Can you tell what we all are?
(Hint, Jay is not George Washington)
Trick-or-treating and costume parade at the Plaza Hotel.
T-or-Ting on Upper East Side, along with thousands of others...

And tradition holds that the kids draw a jack-o-lantern face, and Jay cuts it out.
Emmi's Halloween school parade and party
And we finish Fall with my birthday.
Nothing beats a homemade card from your kids.