Wednesday, August 29, 2007

"I love technology"

Well...where have we vanished to, you ask? Unfortunately, we have had a few computer problems as of late. This has kept us from blogging in our usual frequent manner (ha ha). So we are looking for a replacement computer and we have found ourselves asking that age-old question...PC or Mac? We know this debate can get pretty heated, with families being ripped apart, and people throwing gigahertz at each other. So what do you think? PC, or Mac?


Alvarez Family said...

Cute ad placement! We have a PC but Paul works on a Mac and he likes it. I don't know that one is better than the other. I think if we ever had to replace ours we would get a PC purely because they are easier to get exactly what you want/need. We had ours specifically built to have the capacity to do what we wanted; ie. animation. Anyway, good luck and post some new pictures of you guys too!!

Lindsay said...


Don't join the dark side....

Lindy Salmon said...


Tara Fears said...

MAC MAC MAC MAC! I type this on a MAC...I LOVE my MAC...and I have both. Work ALL day on a PC...own two PC laptops and a PC desk top...and ONE MAC laptop and I love it the MOST!