Saturday, April 2, 2011


You may have wondered why we let our youngest get caught up in the Bieber-mania (yes, I had to google how to spell that).

Well, we had a talk with Robert, and decided he is too young to be a groupee.

So he got his second chop. He handled it really well.

I got a little carried away..... now he just looks like a little Ryan Seacrest.

Oh yeah, and Emmi got her FIRST haircut as well. Just a trim really, all while watching a princess movie.

Let's just say I'm not opening a hair salon any time soon, but everyone survived and there is a little less hair in the Salmon home.


byufish said...

WOW...I know women in the Choir who would PAY you for Emmi's hair. No kidding...and the've seen them this weekend. I'm not sharing this blog with any of them!!

Sorensen said...

You did such a great job! Please come and cut Grey's hair for me! He ends up with hair in his mouth, eyes and every other crevice somehow!