Friday, February 12, 2010

Salmon's bring Snow

Jay's sister, Alita, is here to visit from Calgary and as soon as her plane landed, it started to snow. Since we weren't here for the other major snowstorm we had in December, we thought Emmi would like to go explore it while it was fresh and clean.

We got all dressed up, including Em's new thermals, even though we just walked 2 blocks along the park.

We got home, got warm, and did some light reading before going to bed.

We are glad you are here, Alita, even though you brought a snow storm. Maybe you should visit Vancouver next...


byufish said...

Glad there's snow!! We get an updated blog because of it. Oh the blessings of a good, heavy snowstorm!! Yes...they NEED ALITA in BC!! Go Alita. Go NOW!!!!

nicokekeematipili said...

Winter around the corner...maybe we'll get a snow storm in BA!! Miss you and Jay and Emi is just adorable!