Thursday, June 10, 2010

Back to Italy

Here are a couple other spots we stopped at near Florence.
The first is Fiesole, pronounced by the locals as "Fie-ah-so-lee" with melodic inflection in the voice. It is a town on a mountain overlooking Florence.

Just a little browsing...

Who would you think the first people we meet as soon as we park (besides the "self-appointed" parking attendants who promise to protect your car for a euro)...

The Tower. You can tell they tried to fix it as they got higher.

It is a little strange to climb since it, you know, leans.

Can you see the tilt?

Everyone had to take this shot... it is the law.

We also visited the Mediterranean while we we were there. Not too warm yet.


noelle regina said...

sono molto gelosa.

nicokekeematipili said...

I thought Argentina was hte only country with self appointed parking attendants; Italy too?
I'm guessing there are a lot more out there then.
And that tilted building is way too cool.

Cindy said...

I love your pictures!! You're family is just too cute. I can just come to your blog and travel though your eyes. You will have to come over and visit mine...I leave for Hawaii in 8 days, pictures to come!

Jen said...

Beautiful! So jealous of all your fun adventures!

byufish said... got to climb the leaning tower? It was closed when I was there...something about "shoring it up"...all they needed was you to push against!!! Hey, went to lunch with Sara Thomas today. She's getting married July 1st but I'm sure you know that. She thinks you guys are FABULOUS...and Emi's just a very beautiful little girl. Yes...she's a GOOD friend...even BETTER now!!!